¦ verb (past and past participle thought)
1. have a particular opinion, belief, or idea about someone or something.
2. use one's mind actively to form connected ideas about someone or something.
have a particular mental attitude.
(think of/about) take into account or consideration.
(think of/about) consider the possibility or advantages of.
(think of) call to mind.
3. (think of) have a specified opinion of.
¦ noun informal an act of thinking.
have (got) another think coming informal used to express disagreement.
think aloud express one's thoughts as they occur.
think better of decide not to do (something) after reconsideration.
think nothing of consider (an activity others regard as odd, wrong, or difficult) as straightforward or normal.
think twice consider a course of action carefully before embarking on it.
Phrasal verbs
think back recall a past event or time.
think on dialect & N. Amer. think of or about.
think something out (or through) consider something in all its aspects before taking action.
think something over consider something carefully.
think something up informal invent or devise something.
thinkable adjective
thinker noun
OE thencan, of Gmc origin.